
Ramadan Preparation Notes

Ramadan Notes: Halaqa 8/16

Notes derived From -
"Moving into Ramadan" lecture by Sh. Hussain Abdul Sattar

-Prior to an event there is excitement, anticipation- the event is talked up
- Same with Ramadan.
- Talk about the occasion, the benefits, what is recommended
-We must enter the company of those who are excited, in order to save ourselves

-The whole universe is about to enter Ramadan - earth, moon, universe has to align
- Allah twists the whole universe into Ramadan
- In turn, all blessings associated with Ramadan begin to fall upon the community

- Only lasts for a limited amount of time.
- Therefore only have a limited amount of time to prepare, lots of work must be done
- Just like big companies plan for big success, (ie apple produces i-phone, rushes to come out with it even though the product isn't perfect) ; as such we must prepare -- time is limited

We are sleeping, Ramadan is coming
-God has given us a chance to REDEEM ourseves

-Nowadays words jannah/jahanum don't create any feelings, ideas within people
-We have become indifferent --> this is a dangerous state

-Meaning of word - Ramadan - "hot, scorching earth" - root
- two meanings -
a) purify
- ie just as extreme heat is used to purify metals by removing impurities
-Heat, is discomforting at first, but brings purity
- First fasts are hard, second 10 are harder - no motivation, hype in beg and end days
b) bend
- Soul is hard to bend, heat the soul then let it cool, mold it into hsape
- Do this by inculcating a schedule
- Think of schedule of prophet, alay'hissalaam, what did he do? how did he use his time?
his asset was his time, alay'his salaam

Notes derived From - "Checking into Ramadan" lecture by Sh. Hussain Abdul Sattar

- How much have you screwed up in last 11 months? Think about this, ponder upon it, realize it

Chemotherapy analogy -
-Just like cancer patient goes into hospital, for treatment as their last hope for a cure, so must we go into Ramadan, and check in, as a cure for our dying states
-Give everything up, leave everything behind them and designate entire time to their cure, their treatment within the hospital.
- Even on free, off days, they rest
- Cancer patient doesnt' ask doctor to reschedule or say he cannot do so because he has this or that obligation, his full focus is his treatment

Check into Ramadan the same way, it is our last hope, we are so sick.
Go into Ramadan, "dead", meaning enter month with nothing, put everything else away and behind you
- Ramadan should not become a social festival of gatherings
-You are being given a chance to cure yourself, cure yourself by chemo
-Establish a routine, first 20 days are preparation for the last.

-Ramadan instead becomes like a festival
-Five years ago it was a lot easier to fast than it is today, life is continuing to become more complex and difficult
-For those who eventually give up, this is death, interal death.

-What you can accomplish in Ramadan in 30 days, you cannot accomplish outside Ramadan in 30 years, this is a guarantee

Notes derived From - "Retaining Blessing of Ramadan" lecture by Sh. Hussain Abdul Sattar

-Kabaa is central point, from which all prayer is subdvided out of into rest of the world, as believed by many scholars.
-Allah swt invites you to the mosque in Ramadan, his mosque, to which all mosques are connected.
-He wants to offer you something

-Ayaat about fasting, "Fasting is written upon you, as it has been written upon those before you, perchance that you may gain taqwa"

-Everything is independents of Allah swt, he is dependant upon nothing
- We are completely dependent on Allah swt, and he is completely independent of us
-Activities in Ramadan -- Allah swt bestowing a blessing.
-By fasting we are not doing him a favor, rather he did us a favor by giving us Ramadan.
-Allah swt fulfills his promise, a sign he wants to offer you something, a chance.
-What Allah swt gives us is beyond mercy of any human being
- (ie just as when someone invites you to thier house for dinner, their promise is fulfilled; in same way Allah swt fulfills his promise to you)

-Hope that remains inside heart the believer, 'perchance ye may gain taqwa' being given a chance

Post Ramadan -
-Essential fact - survival to 11 months after Ramadan is in the company that you take
- Establish a connection with a) the righteous, b) the Quran, c) keeping with one another
-For even if you stumble, the rest of the gathering will pick you up; if you leave you will fail

-Ramadan provides a cure for your diseases , diseases which are deeply buried in our hearts
- Don't challenge the diseases, don't go back.
- If the disease is fed it will grow, if given the opportunity it will take you over
- Seek protection of Allah swt
- In Ramadan these diseases are cured, yet you have very low to bank on, if you don't benefit in Ramadan

*All Notes for the halaqa were taken from Ramadan collection audio, Sh. Hussain Abdul Sattar

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